One Universal Folding Reduction Die 1.3″ x 1.4″ @ 17 degrees


Improved! New Hardened Stainless Steel!

This is a double sided reduction die as described in my manual with a 1.300″ and 1.400″ openings at 17 degrees. This die can be used to reduce United States dollar sized coins. This die can also be used in conjunction with the stabilizer folding cones/mandrels to fold half dollars and dollars sized coins leaving no mark on the inside of the coin.

*NOTE: You will need the larger die to begin the folding process with the stabilizer folding cones/mandrels for Morgan dollar sized coins. This die is used to start the folding process on half dollar sized coins.

These are the reduction dies as described in my manual. Three dies in total can be used to fold and reduce half dollar, dollar, and silver eagle sized coins.

Tutorial Video:

NOTE: A detailed description of the coin ring making process can be found in “How to Make Coin Rings” training manual found here:


Why buy these reduction dies from Jason’s Works? Here are some reasons to consider:

1. The absolute highest quality in material. An improvement over the D2 steel, hardened stainless steel is used for these dies. Extra attention to detail has been give to make sure there is a high polish to the inside faces of these dies to allow for the easiest reduction and folding even on the toughest coins. If you look closely at competitors dies, you can see a very rough finish on the face of the dies, this will adversely affect the efficiency of the dies.

2. Hardened stainless steel offers the highest degree of efficiency for folding and reducing while having the highest in rust resistance. No more rusty pitted dies!

3. My tools are often imitated but never duplicated.

4. Only California residents pay sales tax. All other state residents are tax free.

5. Unmatched customer service. If you have a question, you can always contact me through Etsy.

6. The best angle for ease of reduction of larger coins including copper and brass medallions. This design has been tested and proven for almost a decade of use.

7. Buy from an actual coin ring maker that understands the tools and originally designed them. I have coins for sale on my etsy site and use these exact dies to make my coin rings.

8. When I first prototyped these dies years ago, the cost was $75 each with mild steel. I have been able to get the cost down as much as possible to help get the best tools at the best price to coin ring makers.

9. These are 100% guaranteed

10. Why pay a little less for an inferior die? Buy the best, buy from Jason’s Works!

Highest polished dies guaranteed, or your money back!

Back in 2008, when I was first prototyping my original universal reduction dies, I noticed that a high polish was essential for making the highest quality coin rings. The perfectly burnished edge of the finished ring is only one benefit.
The primary reason for the high polish is for less force required to reduce the rings. There are also other beneficial attributes only found in the original Jason’s Works dies, such as hardened stainless steel to maintain the high polish over a life time, where other’s dies are not.

These tools are crafted and hand polished by master aerospace machinists that use only the best materials and techniques. These machinists not only make the tooling for Jason’s Works but also for NASA, U.S. Navy, Space X, Boeing, and others.

I not only sell the best coin ring tools but also make and sell my own coin rings and teach classes on how to make them. Please visit the classes page and for class schedules and other tools available.

Look for the Jason’s Works name and logo and be confident you are purchasing the best coin rings tools available when you buy from Jason’s Works, I guarantee it.

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